Global Free Open Satellite Message Relais System. Use cases are distress, humanitarian and experimental communication.

SatRel listens to satellites. Messages, which are repeated by the satellite, are picked up by SatRel and forwarded to X (fka Twitter), Email or the SatRel bulletin board. The destination is determined by the structure of the message.

Messages can be sent to satellites with simple tools without dependency on local infrastructure like internet of a mobile telefone network.

Typical use cases are Experimental satellite communication where operators send message to a Satellite and are able to verify the transmission has been succesful. Distress communication where operators in remote areas without cell phone coverage can send distress messages. And humanitarian communication where operators in areas with blocked communication infrastructure can send messages to relatives.

The communication is based on open HAM standards like AX.25 and used HAM radio frequencies for transmissions from and to satellites. SatRel listens to for example to the International Space Station on 145.825 MHz FM 1200 BPS Packet.